Gallery (7 out of 15)

This is the Origin Story of the Galaxy and the Universe as agreed upon by the Galactic Kongress in representation of all the souls that span across it's arms.

Within this cyclical pattern, the gallery delves into the duality of creation and destruction, revealing how the fabric of the cosmos is continuously shaped by forces of light and darkness. The narrative explores the ascent from the simplest forms of matter to the complex interplay of souls, culminating in the unity of the highest dimension. It reflects on the dynamic balance between the masculine and feminine, the material and spiritual, and the interdimensional dialogue facilitated through prayer and will.

As you move through this gallery, you will encounter images that encapsulate the essence of life's interdimensional cycle, the emergence of consciousness, and the eternal dance between good and evil. Each piece invites you to ponder the infinite possibilities that lie beyond our understanding, in a space where the collective soul encompasses all, and beyond which, nothing can be imagined.

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In our beginning, the universe was born in this dimension, where souls find their home. The narrative unfolds with the progression of the Big Bang, symbolized by waves coursing through water, signifying the evolution towards complexity. Matter, fluid-like between the waves, symbolizes the state of existence. At the center, the collective soul from the highest dimension reigns, overseeing the grand cosmic dance. The explosion of the Big Bang emanates from this center, linking to Earth and celestial bodies, each enveloped in a geometric field representing space-time. Yet, even as the universe expands, its limits remain visible, hinting at the edge of known existence.

As time flows, the cycle of the third-dimensional realm nears its conclusion. All life, from every corner of the cosmos, is drawn inexorably towards the center. Humans, aliens, animals, the tiniest cells, their souls and every deceased creature are pulled into this cosmic convergence.

The image shifts, depicting the condensation of parallel third dimensions, resembling droplets coalescing from a cloud. These spheres contain life, emerging from the Big Crunch towards the fourth dimension, suspended in a fluid of existence. As these spheres burst, new life emerges, a testament to the ceaseless cycle of creation and rebirth.

In the fourth dimension, beings witness the emergence of life from a sacred lake, illuminated by waterfalls flowing from a divine light—the collective soul of the highest dimension. This act serves as a baptism, marking the beginning of new journeys and destinies that shall find convergence in their future.

Prayer and meditation serve as bridges between conscious beings across all dimensions, aligning their wills with the collective soul of the highest dimension. Concentric circles symbolize progress and expansion, while a central beam of light signifies the omnipresence of this connection.

Conversely, evil operates with corrupt intentions, mirroring this system of influence. Such malevolence holds the potential to unravel the fabric of the cosmos across infinity, demonstrating the fragile balance between creation and destruction.

The reboot of the cycle and the creative power of the collective soul of the supreme dimension. Thus, it also connects with the concept of reincarnation, which utilizes elevated matter and souls that have ascended to recreate the lower dimensions and thus continue life. This act does not exhibit a will similar to that of a human being but occurs as a natural flow, aligned with the will of the natural world to continue living.

Lessons From The Kongress